Subject: NT NewtTurT 1.5 Turtle Tutor.ZIP Author: S. Weyer Uploaded By: SteveWeyer Date: 6/29/1997 File: TURTBK15.ZIP (40740 bytes) Estimated Download Time (37942 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 85 Equipment: Newton Needs: UnZip, NPI/NBU?Means of transfer Keywords: tutorial, Newt, object-oriented programming, NewtonScript, learning, graphics, mathematics, Logo TYPE: Freeware NewtTurT 1.5 (Newt Turtle Tutorial) is an interactive tutorial (Newton book) that will show how you can program in NewtonScript with turtle-style graphics directly on your Newton using Newt. There is also a related book -- NewtATut (Newt Application Tutorial) -- that shows how you can develop an application with buttons, fields and other interface objects in NewtonScript and save it as a package using Newt. Keywords: tutorial, Newt, object-oriented programming, NewtonScript, learning, graphics, mathematics, Logo Changes in 1.5 (28 Jun 97) - updated to work with Newt's Cape 1.4 Lite (or regular) NewtTurT -- the book -- is freeware. "Newt" -- the native programming environment for developing applications and doing graphical programming -- is shareware. Newt is not required to use this book, nor must it be registered to try NewtTurT. If you have Newt installed on your Newton, you can try the examples as you read. (You should be able to find Newt on the same server/service where you found this book, under a Newton application or development directory, with a name similar to newt-devenv-33.sit.hqx or newt33.sit). This version of NewtTurT works with Newt version 3.3 (and greater). It requires the NewtDraw plug-in to be installed. Steve Weyer Internet: (preferred) America Online: SteveWeyer This file has been checked with the latest version of Virex and is known to be virus free at the time of uploading This file can be found in the PDA Forum's Software Libraries. (Keyword PDA)